Dear Readers,
It is with great pleasure that we present the second issue of 2024.
For the first time in our journal’s history, the number of our external editors exceeds that of our editors in Trakya University, our home institution. With our editorial board now spanning four countries and twelve institutions, our mission to encourage medical students to be involved in scientific research expands beyond physical borders. Our journal’s stature in the scientific publishing community reaches new heights as it continues to inspire the upcoming generation of physician-scientists. Praised by many medical students and renowned scientists alike, Turkish Medical Student Journal is still the sole indexed medical student journal in our country. Our decade-long experience and dedication to inspire are the very pillars of our unmatched status in the Turkish scientific community, and we will continue to support and encourage scientific research among medical students for many years to come.
Eylül Şenödeyici, Editor-in-Chief